PT William &Andrew Is an Advertising, International Design and Printing Company currently operating in Australia and Indonesia, located at Pantai Indah Kapuk. Our success is credited to great customer service, high quality design and state of the art technology equipments". Due to our rapid expansion, we are looking for Creative, Highly Motivated and
- Age: 21-35 years old
- Bachelor degree (S 1) or equivalent experience
- Comprehensive working knowledge of Desktop Publishing Program
Relevant experience (min. 1 year is a plus)
- Good organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines
-.Talented, resourceful, self motivated and has positive attitudes
- Good interpersonal and communication skills - Basic English language is a plus
- Submit with your best portfolios
- Application without a portfolio will not be considered
Please send your complete Application, CV and Recent Photo with your expected salary to:
Sekian informasi yang bisa kami berikan Untuk Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bulan Mei 2013, semoga bisa membantu anda untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan Yang anda Impikan.dan semoga anda sukses dan selalu dalam lindunganya amieen…